11) Jack Herer: A Cannabis Legend

August 12, 2024

Jack Herer

Life and Beginning

Jack Herer, often called the "Hemp Emperor", was born on June 18, 1939 in New York. Of modest origins, he grew up in a time when cannabis was demonized by the authorities and society. A former soldier, Herer was not always a strong advocate of cannabis. In fact, it was at the age of 30 that he had his first experience with this plant, an encounter that would change his life forever.

Discovery of Cannabis

Jack Herer discovered the beneficial effects of cannabis in the 1970s thanks to his girlfriend at the time who convinced him to try it for the first time. This experience opened his eyes to the fact that cannabis was not dangerous, as he had always believed. Quickly, he devoted himself entirely to research and education around this plant, convinced of its potential to improve humanity.

Writings and Activism

In 1985, Jack Herer published "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", a book that became a bible for cannabis activists. This work details the history of cannabis and hemp, their industrial and medicinal uses, and the political reasons behind their prohibition. In it, Herer exposes the lies and propaganda that led to the ban on cannabis. To demonstrate his belief, Jack Herer even challenged anyone to prove him wrong by offering a reward of $50,000 to whoever could do so..

Documentary “Hemp for Victory”

Along with his friends, Jack spent hours and days at the Library of Congress researching the documentary "Hemp for Victory," a 1942 film produced by the U.S. government to encourage farmers to grow hemp during World War II. This film proved that hemp had once been valued in the United States, thus contradicting modern anti-cannabis propaganda.

Venice Beach and First Hemp Shop

Jack began his activism in Venice Beach, where he educated passersby about the benefits of cannabis. Together with Ed Adair, known as Captain Ed, they opened the first hemp store. Captain Ed, a noted cannabis activist, had a major influence on Jack, going so far as to change his clothes to hemp in protest and support.

Relationships and Influences

  • George Clayton Johnson : Science fiction author best known for writing episodes of "Star Trek" and co-writing "Logan's Run." He shared with Jack a passion for cannabis and libertarian ideals.
  • Keith Stroup : Founder of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). His work advocating for marijuana law reform inspired and collaborated with Jack.
  • Michael R. Aldrich : Cannabis historian and activist. He worked closely with Jack to document and promote the history of cannabis.
  • John P. Morgan : A physician and professor of pharmacology, Morgan supported Jack's research into the medicinal benefits of cannabis.
  • Bruce M. Margolin : A lawyer specializing in cannabis law, he has often defended Jack and other activists.
  • Ben Dronkers : Founder of Sensi Seeds and Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum. Dronkers met Jack several times and they shared a common vision for the future of cannabis. In 1990, they spent hours discussing their experiences and the importance of spreading accurate information about cannabis.
  • Shiloh Massive : Jack's roommate, he supported his efforts and actively participated in his campaigns.
  • Mark et Dan Herer : Son of Jack, he continues to carry on his father's legacy.
  • Third Eye Shoppe : An iconic store linked to cannabis culture where Jack often interacted with the community.
  • Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) : An organization founded by Jack to campaign against cannabis prohibition.
  • Global Cannabis Community Founding Father : Jack is considered one of the founding fathers of the global cannabis community.
  • Front Line Freedom Fighter : Jack was a frontline fighter for freedom and the legalization of cannabis.

Legacy and Afterlife

Jack Herer died on April 15, 2010, but his legacy lives on. Many cannabis strains are named after his influence, such as the famous "Jack Herer". His book continues to inspire new generations of activists and educators. Jack Herer Day is celebrated by cannabis lovers around the world, who honor his memory and continue his fight for legalization.

A Cannabis Purist

What makes Jack Herer a true purist is his unwavering belief in the power of cannabis for the good of humanity. He never compromised his principles for personal gain and always sought to educate and inform the public, even at the risk of his own freedom. Herer lived and died for his cause, and his influence continues to be felt in every move toward cannabis legalization.

Jack Herer will forever be an iconic figure in the cannabis legalization movement, a man who dedicated his life to truth and justice for an unjustly demonized plant..

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