5) What landrace cannabis geneticsare? Landraces listed by country

April 08, 2024

5) C’est quoi une génétique de cannabis landrace? Liste Landraces par pays

The Complete Landrace Guide: Origins, Characteristics and Importance

Introduction :
In the vast world of cannabis, the term "landrace" often resonates as a pure and authentic essence of the plant. But what does this name really mean? Landrace cannabis genetics refers to a variety of cannabis that developed naturally in a specific region with human help (who brought it and left it to breed alone and regulate itself by nature and such criteria as soil). , sun, wind, rain etc.), generally isolated geographically, over a long period of time. These varieties represent the very essence of the plant, with unique characteristics that have evolved in harmony with the environment and climate of their place of origin.

In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of landrace cannabis genetics, exploring their origins, distinctive characteristics, and importance in cannabis culture and community. By better understanding what landraces are and why they are so valuable, we will be able to fully appreciate the richness and diversity of cannabis genetics across the world.

Are there still Landraces today??
In 2024, it is undeniable that authentic Landraces, as they were previously known, have become extremely rare, if not non-existent. The rapid evolution of the cannabis industry, combined with the impact of human intervention on the environment, has profoundly altered the genetic landscape of the plant.

Landraces were once pure cannabis strains that developed naturally in specific regions, preserving their unique characteristics adapted to their environment. However, over time, the introduction of new genetics, breeding and crossing practices, and economic pressures resulted in the near disappearance of Landraces in their original form.

Expeditions such as those of Green House Holland's Strains Hunters undoubtedly played a major role in this process. Although their initial intention was to document and preserve traditional strains, their presence and activities have often disrupted local ecosystems and cannabis biodiversity. Interactions with local growers, often driven by financial incentives, have led to uncontrolled breeding practices, thereby diluting the purity of Landraces and compromising their long-term survival.

In some isolated places like Pakistan or Afghanistan, it is still possible to find strains that can be considered Landraces. However, even there they are endangered, threatened by urbanization, climate change and the introduction of new hybrid varieties.

In conclusion, although Landraces were key parts of cannabis history, their existence as we knew it is now almost entirely extinct. Preserving the true genetic diversity of cannabis has become a major challenge, requiring a concerted effort to protect the last remaining strains and promote sustainable and environmentally friendly cultivation practices.

List of Legendaries Landraces:Here is a map of landraces

  1. Acapulco Gold
  2. Afghani·
  3. Arcadian
  4. Balkhi
  5. Balochistani
  6. Beldia
  7. Blue Mountain Landrace
  8. Bokeo
  9. Bolikhamxai
  10. Burmese
  11. Camboya
  12. China Yunnan
  13. Chitrali
  14. Chocolate Thai (Squirel Tail)
  15. Colombian Black
  16. Coreana
  17. Corinto
  18. CorintoCauca Valley
  19. Cretan
  20. Dolpa
  21. Durban Poison
  22. Etiopía
  23. Filipino Kibungan
  24. Gilgiti
  25. Helmand
  26. Highland Lao
  27. Highland Oaxaca Gold
  28. Hima Nanda Devi
  29. Hindu Kush
  30. Hmong
  31. Hokkaido
  32. Hopar Valley
  33. Hunza Valley
  34. Idukk
  35. Indonesian Aceh
  36. Jamaican Blue Mountain
  37. Jamaican Lambsbread
  38. Johaar Valley
  39. Kalinga Stalk
  40. Kampong Speu
  41. Karakoram
  42. Kashmiri
  43. Kazakh
  44. Kerala
  45. Kholm
  46. Kilimanjaro
  47. Kumaoni Tibet
  49. Langtang
  50. Lao Sa
  51. Laos
  52. Lebanon
  53. Lemon Thai (Hangalok)
  54. Lesotho
  55. Madagascar South
  56. Mag Iraní
  57. Malana
  58. Malawi
  59. Manga Rosa
  60. Mango Thai
  61. Manipuri
  62. Maui Wowie
  63. Mazar-i-Sharif
  64. Mekong
  65. Moliotiko
  66. Moloka’i
  67. Naga Manipuri
  68. Namkading
  69. Nangarhar
  70. Nepal
  71. Nigerian
  72. Nueva Caledonia
  73. Pakistán Chitral
  74. Panamá Red
  75. Panjshir
  76. Papua
  77. Parvati
  78. Puna Buddaz
  79. Punto Rojo
  80. Rasoli
  81. Red Congolese
  82. Senegal
  83. Sheberghan
  84. Sherberghan
  85. Sinaï
  86. Sudan
  87. Swazi Gold
  88. Syrian
  89. Tai "Burma"
  90. Tashkurgan
  91. Taskenti
  92. Thai Ko Chang
  93. Tikal
  94. Turkish
  95. Verde Limón
  96. Vietnam Black
  97. Waziri·
  98. Zacatecas
  99. Zamal
  100. Zambia
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