13) International Drug Treaties: Chapter 11

September 09, 2024

13) Les traités internationaux sur les drogues : Chapitre 11

Conference for the Suppression of Illicit Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs

Entry into force


10 October 1947, the date on which the amendments to the Convention, as contained in the Annex to the Protocol of 11 December 1946, entered into force in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article VII of the Protocol.



26 oct 1939


Final signature of the Protocol, Acceptance of the Protocol

Ratification of the Convention as amended, Accession to the Convention as amended(a)


17 mai 1950


11 dec 1946


17 dec 1946


3 oct 1951 a


15 jan 1962 a


11 dec 1946


21 nov 1972 a


11 dec 1946


11 dec 1946

Ivory Coast

20 dec 1961 a


9 aug 1967


13 sept 1948


5 june 1970


9 sept 1947 a


10 oct 1947


21 fev 1949


31 mai 1951


11 dec 1946


3 apr 1958 a


16 mai 1952 a


3 apr 1961 a


7 sept 1955


7 mai 1958 a


24 mai 1961 a


28 jun 1955 a


11 dec 1974 a


8 jun 1965 a


6 mai 1955


[19 mars 1959 ]


13 jul 1951 a

Dominican Republic

9 jun 1958 a


11 oct 1961


15 jul 1981 a

Sri Lanka

4 dec 1957 a


31 dec 1952


11 dec 1946

Declarations and Reservations:

(In the absence of any indication preceding the text, the date of receipt is that
of ratification or accession.)


The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba expressly reserves its position regarding the provisions of Article 17 of the Convention, being prepared to resolve bilaterally, through diplomatic consultations, any dispute that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of the Convention.


By virtue of the power granted to it by paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the said Convention, the Government of Italy understands that, even for letters rogatory in matters of narcotics, the procedure adopted until now in previous relations with the other Contracting States should be maintained and, failing that, diplomatic channels, with the exception of the adoption of the system provided for in subparagraph c of paragraph 1 of Article 13 for cases of urgency."


In accepting the provisions of Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention, it is appropriate to specify that the Central Office of the Government of the United Mexican States shall exercise the powers assigned to it by the Convention, unless there is any express provision in the General Constitution of the Republic that confers them on a State body created prior to the date of entry into force of the Convention, and that the Government of the United Mexican States reserves the right to impose in its territory, as it has already done, more stringent measures than those provided for in the present Convention of 1936, with a view to restricting the cultivation, manufacture, extraction, possession, trade, import, export and incitement to the use of the narcotic drugs covered by the said Convention.

Notes :

  1. Amendment of the Agreement : The agreement in question was amended by a protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on December 11, 1946. This means that changes were made to the original agreement to update or revise it, often to reflect new realities or clarify provisions.
  2. Note on China : For additional information regarding signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc., by China, please see note 1 under "China" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. This may include details of China's participation in the agreement or amendments.
  3. Instrument of ratification of the unamended 1936 Convention : Spain signed the Protocol of 11 December 1946, which amended several conventions on narcotic drugs, and became a party to the 1936 Convention as amended by that Protocol. This means that Spain, although having ratified the unamended version of the 1936 Convention, is also bound by the amendments made by the 1946 Protocol.
  4. Territorial applicability of ratification : The ratification of the Convention and the Protocol by the Netherlands stipulated that these instruments would be applicable not only to the European territory of the Kingdom, but also to Suriname and Netherlands New Guinea. By a communication dated 4 August 1960, it was indicated that the Convention would also be applicable to the Netherlands Antilles. In addition, a reservation was added to the ratification, detailed in United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 327, p. 322.
  5. Denunciation of the Convention by the Netherlands : On 14 December 1965, the Netherlands communicated its decision to denounce the Convention in respect of the European territory of the Kingdom, as well as the territories of Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles. The denunciation took effect one year later, on 14 December 1966. The denunciation means that the Netherlands formally terminated its participation in the Convention for these territories as of that date.

These notes provide essential details for understanding the history of international agreements and how countries have negotiated, amended, ratified or denounced their participation in these agreements.


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